Stockton SOUP Events to Date
Local Project Pitches
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SOUP #17
14th May 2019
6:30 – ARC Stockton Arts Centre
SOUP #18
16th July 2019
6:30 – ARC Stockton Arts Centre
SOUP #19
17th September 2019
6:30 – ARC Stockton Arts Centre
Last Event Pitchers
January 2019 – Stockton SOUP #15
The Deliverance Project
The Deliverance Project was our first pitch of the night! They are a new project dedicated to helping and supporting men who suffer from domestic violence, while raising awareness about this issue as well as mental health and suicide.
Their main goals are to put on workshops and drop-ins that will eventually lead to freedom programs for men and perpetrator courses for women. All in all, the Deliverance Project aims to create a safer, less violent Stockton.
In order to achieve this, they need the funds to secure a premises for drop-ins and workshops.
They received 43% of the vote and got £219 funding toward starting their project!

Biochar Tees Valley
Biochar Tees Valley was our second pitch of the night! It is a new project committed to providing a small scale solution to global scale problems— through biochar! Their aims are to produce and distribute biochar to community garden projects, which in turn will receive its many benefits!
Not only does biochar improve the quality of the soil and the food grown in it, but it also reuses wasted wood by putting it back into the carbon cycle. This will isolate carbon in the long term and reduce carbon emissions.
They pitched for the equipment that is needed to make biochar: 2 steel drums, a lid and a chimney.
They got 29% of the vote received £146 of funding!
The Moses Project
The Moses Project was our third and final pitch of the evening! They work with men over the age of 25 who struggle with addictions and homelessness.
Four days a week they hold drop-ins where they serve hot meals and offer life-changing support. Their drop-ins provide a safe space for men to get off the street, get fed, and get the help and support they need to overcome addictions. As a result, they have seen many men go on to live healthy, drug-free lives.
They pitched for the funds to purchase a van in order to take their clients out for trips, which will give them more opportunities to encourage clients, enhance their lives, as well as help them on their road to recovery.
They received 29% of the vote and went home with £146 to put toward their van

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